Childcare assistance, educational assistance and socio-educational family assistance

Stability, security and confidence providing the ability to work on changes

For more than 40 years, Trockendock e.V. has been active in the Hamburg Youth Welfare and offers high-quality and multi-layered services, especially in the areas of addiction prevention, counselling and migration work.

We offer outpatient assistance on the basis of SGB VIII § 27 in conjunction with

§ 30 Educational assistance and care assistance for children, adolescents and young adults to promote development and stable living conditions


§ 31 Socio-educational family assistance for families with children to promote parenting skills

We support children, adolescents and young adults as well as families needing support in education and coping with everyday life. The respective needs are determined by the Youth Welfare Office. By activating and strengthening their own resources, young people and families can learn to accept difficulties and to cope with them as independently as possible.

Social relations and networks are important points of our work. Individual gender-specific concerns are given special attention in all our support areas.

Our Services

Our services always consider the individual character, the environment and the resources.

We can offer:

  • Clarification of individual needs and agreement of goals with all parties involved, including the social environment
  • Regular contact (personally and/or by phone)
  • Crisis intervention and close support in special situations
  • Coping with problems regarding the personal development and improvement of self reliancy
  • Increase of self competence and help regarding communication and interaction within the family
  • Support in dealing with special problems (addiction, compulsive behavior, domestic violence, etc.)
  • Stabilization of everyday life structures (e.g.: nutrition, health care, education, participation in social and cultural life, etc.)
  • Assistance in dealing with authorities, educational- and other institutions and application processes (e.g. payments, residence issues, legal claims, etc.)
  • Assistance in the search for apprenticeship / work / employment

Our approach

The protection and support of children and adolescents in order to develop an independent, responsible and social personality also involving the legal guardians and the social environment is the top priority of our work.

We especially take care of:

  • Support of the custodians in order to strenghten their parenting skills
  • Strenghtening of the self-concept and personal skills
  • Cultivating healthy relationships
  • Adequate and meaningful activities
  • Social stabilization and educational / occupational integration

We have a focus on the efficiency and sustainability of the process. Flexibility in case of changing needs and requirements is also an integral part of our work. Of course, the children / adolescents and their families are involved in the whole process and we also offer a complaint procedure if needed.

Independently from skin colour, gender, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation the protection concept of Trockendock e.V. ensures that our clients are not exposed to any danger to their lives, health and sexual self-determination.

Regardless of colour, gender, religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation, the protection concept of Trockendock e. V. ensures that the people in our care are not exposed to any risk to their life, health or sexual self-determination.

Our specialists

Social pedagogues and social workers with a wide range of additional qualifications work on a sustainable and systemic basis. They are integrated into a close network at the respective locations in order to ensure a holistic setting for the individual needs.

Involving the Youth Welfare Service as well as our clients our specialists develop individual solutions that are implemented cautiously and close to our clients' living conditions.

Trockendock e. V.
Ambulante Hilfen – Zentrale

Mühlendamm 21 – 22087 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 – 2383260-65
Requests: Tel.: 040 – 2383260-60




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Bild 3: Norma Mortenson | Pexels
Bild 4: ChayTee | iStock